Shaping Sustainable Supply Chains

Shaping Sustainable Supply Chains

#3 Myths of African food supply chains

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In the last two episodes, we looked at models and policy frameworks for supply chains. Going forward we will dive into different supply chains in different regions. Today, we look at food supply chains in Africa. Food plays - like everywhere else on this planet - a big role on the African continent. Partly because it's still scarce in many places. Hunger is still the biggest health risk in Africa. But partly also because the middle class is growing rapidly and people are eating more and more diversified.

Listen to moderator Nicolas Martin and our guest Dr. Saweda Onipede Liverpool Tasie from the Michigan State University in the US. There she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics and an expert on development policies.


by Abbas Sarafrazi on
Well, it was excellent talk, its very benefitable for me .l think that first Africa is need investment in mid stream of food supply chain like a processing food and logestic infrastructures and so plans for waste reduce in all of supply chain. These two actions is need to facilate and finace after research and design optimal food supply chains and rearrangments supply stations
by Lennox on

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About this podcast

This podcast investigates multiple societal dilemmas arising in global supply chains and offers insights into evidence-based solutions for overcoming these challenges. Our mission: Revealing actionable shifts towards more sustainable and fair global supply chains.

About the author:
The Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains aims at contributing to the sustainability of global supply chains through research. It initiates new research, pools the expertise of leading scientists around the world and makes new findings accessible for political decision-makers and other stakeholders.

The research network is hosted by four research organisations: the German Institute of Development and Sustainability IDOS (former DIE), the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

by Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains


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